Elton Prize Early Career Researcher Shortlist Announced

The Elton Prize is awarded each year for the best paper in the Journal of Animal Ecology written by an early career author at the start of their research career.

The overall winner is selected by the Senior Editors of the journal, and will be announced in the coming weeks. Watch this space! This year’s shortlisted candidates are announced below.

The shortlisted candidates are:

Santiago Agustín Parra, Interaction fidelity is less common than expected in plant-pollinator communities

Dylan Jones, Latitudinal gradient in species diversity provides high niche opportunities for a range-expanding phytophagous insect – Why not check out Dylan’s blog post?

Paulina Arancibia, Network topology and patch connectivity affect dynamics in experimental and model metapopulations – Why not check out Paulina’s blog post about her research.

Ana Payo-Payo, Modelling the responses of partially-migratory metapopulations to changing seasonal migration rates: from theory to data. 

Robert Semmler, Reef fishes weaken dietary preferences after coral mortality, altering resource overlap

Vinícius Caldart, Function of a multimodal signal: a multiple hypothesis test using a robot frog

Pablo Antiqueira Warming and top predator loss drive direct and indirect effects on multiple trophic groups within and across ecosystems

Mélanie Thierry Multiple parasitoid species enhance top-down control, but parasitoid performance is context dependent – why not check out Mélanie’s blog post about her research.

Congratulations to all of our shortlisted candidates! We have received a high volume of excellent applications – those selected above should be extremely proud of their work! Thank you to all authors who submitted an application for the award.

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