Our new Associate Editors 2023

Journal of Animal Ecology is delighted to announce 19 new Associate Editors who have joined the Editorial Board following our latest open call across all seven BES journals.

Jelle Boonekamp – University of Glasgow , United Kingdom

Jelle’s research focusses on the ultimate and proximate causes of senescence. He combines molecular, behavioural, and quantitative genetic approaches using lab and field studies. He has developed expertise in oxidative stress and telomere dynamics in birds and insects. His current research is investigating transgenerational effects of ageing. He is also particularly interested in local adaptation and developmental robustness in the context of coping with climate change. 

Website: https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/bohvm/staff/jelleboonekamp/ 

Jelena Bujan – Ruder Boskovic Institute, Croatia

Jelena is a community ecologist exploring how climate and nutrients shape the diversity and structure of insect communities and their ecophysiological adaptations. She uses field and lab experiments across different scales and biomes to predict insect responses to contemporary global warming. She is particularly fond of using ants to answer questions related to thermal ecology and microclimate use.

Twitter: @insect_space

Thiago Goncalves-Souza – Institute for Global Change Biology, University of Michigan , United States (Brazil)

Thiago is a community ecologist dedicated to exploring the influence of anthropogenic, ecological, and evolutionary processes on biodiversity patterns and the subsequent impacts on ecosystem functioning. His current research centers around synthesizing the effects of human-mediated habitat loss on animals and plants. With a broad taxonomic scope ranging from arthropods to mammals, Thiago employs quantitative tools to unravel the intricate dynamics of biodiversity change. He also investigates the utility of functional traits in predicting species redistributions across local and global scales. 

Website: https://thiagocalvesouza.wixsite.com/ecofun Twitter: @thiagotoyoyo

Richard Hall – University of Georgia, United States

Richard is a theoretical ecologist studying how global change influences population dynamics, movement and host-parasite interactions. He is particularly interested in how anthropogenic food subsidies associated with agriculture, urbanization or recreational feeding of wildlife influence animal condition, behavior and long-distance movement, and its consequences for the transmission and spread of infectious diseases. Members of the lab work on diverse organisms, but Richard has an inordinate fondness for birds.

Website: http://halllab.ecology.uga.edu/ Twitter: @richhallecology

Malte Jochum – University of Würzburg , Germany

Malte is a community ecologist studying how global change impacts multitrophic communities and how changing ecological interactions mechanistically alter ecosystem processes and multifunctionality. He focuses on above-belowground invertebrate (mostly arthropod) communities and the energy flux through their food webs. He has studied invertebrate communities in terrestrial (above- & belowground), marine, and freshwater systems in boreal, temperate, and tropical regions and their responses to global-change drivers, such as land-use intensification, climate change, and biological invasions. 

Website: http://maltejochum.de/  Twitter: @MalteJochum

Matthew McCary – Rice University, United States

Matt’s research is at the intersection of community and ecosystem ecology. His work integrates experiments, observational studies, meta-analyses, and theory to understand how environmental change (e.g., plant invasions, urbanization, resource subsidies) affects the relationship between food webs and terrestrial ecosystem functioning.

Website: http://www.mattmccary.com/

Teresa Morán López – University of Oviedo, Spain

I am a quantitative ecologist particularly interested in how the environmental context modulates plant-animal interactions. In this sense, I have devoted substantial effort in understanding the temporal and spatial dynamism of plant-disperser interactions and its consequences for local regeneration and plant community assembly. To develop my research, I have combined theoretical and observational studies and worked in a variety of systems, from fragmented woodlands to tropical forests. Also, I am currently working on applied questions related to service provision by animals in agroecosystems. 

Twitter: @tmoranlopez 

Marilia Palumbo Gaiarsa – UC Merced, United States

Professor’s Gaiarsa research explores the role species interactions play in the maintenance and persistence of biodiversity. Originally from Brazil where she did all her training, she was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow in Switzerland, and a UC Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow at UC Riverside. Her current research focuses on plant-pollinator interactions at different levels, from individual species to entire communities, to explore how foraging patterns of individuals translate to the network scale and affect ecosystem function, and how climate change impacts species interactions.

Website: https://mariliagaiarsa.weebly.com/ Twitter: @magaiarsa

Helen Phillips – Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), Canada

Helen is interested in understanding how biodiversity is distributed across the globe, as well as understanding how these patterns may be altered as a result of human impacts. Alot of her work is focused on soil biodiversity, as an overlooked area of macroecology despite its importance. She typically uses large-scale data analyses and meta-analyses in her work. 

Twitter: @helenherself 

Natalie Pilakouta – University of St Andrews, United Kingdom

I am an evolutionary biologist with expertise in animal behaviour and ecophysiology. Some main themes in my research include environmental change, thermal adaptation, reproductive behaviour, inbreeding, and life-history strategies. My research group mainly works on insect and fish study systems, using a wide range of approaches, such as experimental evolution, behavioural and physiological assays, molecular biology techniques, and field experiments. We also use meta-analytic methods to address taxonomically broad questions about the effects of environmental change on animal populations.

Website: https://www.nataliepilakouta.com/ Twitter: @NPilakouta

Elizabeth Pringle – University of Nevada, Reno, United States

Beth is interested in the feedbacks among plant chemistry, trophic interactions, and biogeochemical cycles, with a particular focus on plant-predator mutualisms. Her lab uses observational and experimental field studies along with plant biochemical analysis to investigate the mechanisms underlying such feedbacks as well as how these kinds of feedbacks scale up to influence the structure of ecological communities and landscape carbon cycles. 

Website: https://www.multimutualism.org/  Twitter: @egpringle

Alice Risely – Salford University , United Kingdom

Alice’s research spans host-microbe interactions and disease ecology of wildlife. Her recent research aims to understand the mechanisms underpinning host-associated microbiome dynamics and the fitness consequences for both animal hosts and microbes. She is also interested in incorporating microbial processes, such as plasmid-mediated horizontal gene transfer, into our understanding of host-microbe interactions and their impacts on ecological communities.

Website: https://alicerisely.weebly.com/  Twitter: @risely_a

Pablo Salmón – Institute of Avian Research “Vogelwarte Helgoland”, Germany

Pablo is a physiological and evolutionary ecologist that studies the proximate mechanisms underlying life-history variation and how environmental disturbance shapes these. His research makes use of molecular and physiological tools and combines them with fundamental eco-evolutionary theory to complete our understanding of organismal performance, senescence, and ultimately individual responses to anthropogenic change. His current work combines studies on wild birds with controlled experiments on long-term captive migrants to understand the physiological adaptations of avian migration. 

Website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pablo-Salmon  Twitter: @Pablukas

Kate Searle – UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology , United Kingdom

My research focuses on the effects of environmental change on wildlife behaviour, populations and distributions. I aim to gain mechanistic, process-driven understanding of ecological systems through both statistical modelling and more applied, management-orientated experiments. I am particularly interested in methods for scaling up from the mechanisms underlying individual behaviour of wildlife to understand and predict population and ecosystem level consequences in rapidly changing complex environments. 

Website: https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/kate-searle 

Marius Somveille – Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research, University College London , United Kingdom

Marius seeks to unravel the ecological and evolutionary causes of animal migration and how migratory species respond to global change. His work integrates the development of mechanistic models based on first ecological principles and the analysis of large datasets from a variety of sources (incl. tracking, citizen science, remote sensing, bioacoustics, genomics). In doing so, his objective is to understand the spatio-temporal distribution of animals but also its consequences for the functioning of ecosystems and the spread of propagules. 

Website: https://www.mariussomveille.com  Twitter: @MariusSomveille 

Saskya van Nouhuys – Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science , India

Saskya studies interactions among species that go on to influence population and community dynamics, and in some cases, evolution. She tests ecological theory using detailed study of behavior and natural history, monitoring of interacting species in the wild, manipulative experiments, and population genetics tools. She is especially interested in parasitoids, their hosts and the landscapes they are in. Until recently she worked mostly in northern European systems. Now she works mostly in tropical and subtropical India.

Website: https://www.saskyavn.blog  Twitter: @saskyavn, @PoCoEcoLab 

Fredric Windsor – Cardiff University, United Kingdom

Fred is a network ecologist who works across aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. His research focuses on linking ecosystem structure and function at multiple scales, as well as understanding the response of these connected elements to natural and anthropogenic change. Making use of a variety of methods, from empirical observations of ecological interactions through to mathematical models, Fred aims to provide policy and management relevant information and understanding to generate real world change.

Website: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2648602-windsor-fredric

Twitter: @Fred_Windsor

Zhiwei Zhong – Institute of Grassland Science, Northeast Normal University  China

Zhiwei is a community ecologist who focuses on how species interactions (e.g., herbivory, predation) in food webs response to human activities and climate changes, and how these changes in species interactions can further affect pest (e.g., rodents and locusts) outbreak, and ecosystem structure and functioning in grassland ecosystems. Many of his scientific questions are raised from long-term field observations in meadow grasslands of northern China, he commonly use large-scale field survey and small-scale manipulative experiments to test scientific hypotheses. 

Natacha Chacoff , Argentina

Find out more about the expertise behind JAE by visiting our Editorial Board page .

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