Small details affect the big picture: The response of populations to changing environments depends more on individual organisms than we can see in classical models

This blog post is provided by Mark Rademaker, Anieke van Leeuwen and Isabel Smallegange and tells the #StoryBehindthePaper for the paper “Why we cannot always expect life history strategies to directly inform on sensitivity to environmental change“, which was recently published in Journal of Animal Ecology. In their paper, they explore individual-level tradeoffs, and how these affect trait patterns and population responses, finding that compared … Continue reading Small details affect the big picture: The response of populations to changing environments depends more on individual organisms than we can see in classical models

Diversity In Ecology

Blog Editor Sarah Marley introduces a new series of blog posts targeting #DiversityInEcology. One of the major goals of the British Ecological Society (BES) is to inspire, engage and recognise talent. This includes a commitment to building a community of ecologists which is as inclusive as possible. To achieve this, BES has undertaken a number of initiatives: launching an equality and diversity task group; running … Continue reading Diversity In Ecology